Ranking Cases with Classification Rules

By Jianping Zhang , Jerzy Bala , Ali Hadjarian , Brent Han

Many real-world machine learning applications require a ranking of cases, in addition to their classification.

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Many real-world machine learning applications require a ranking of cases, in addition to their classification. While classification rules are not a good representation for ranking, the human comprehensibility aspect of rules makes them an attractive option for many ranking problems where such model transparency is desired. There have been numerous studies on ranking with decision trees, but not many on ranking with decision rules. Although rules are similar to decision trees in many respects, there are important differences between them when used for ranking. In this chapter, we propose a framework for ranking with rules. The framework extends and substantially improves on the reported methods for ranking with decision trees. It introduces three types of rule-based ranking methods: post analysis of rules, hybrid methods, and multiple rule set analysis. We also study the impact of rule learning bias on the ranking performance. While traditional measures used for ranking performance evaluation tend to focus on the entire rank ordered list, the aim of many ranking applications is to optimize the performance on only a small portion of the top ranked cases. Accordingly, we propose a simple method for measuring the performance of a classification or ranking algorithm that focuses on these top ranked cases. Empirical studies have been conducted to evaluate some of the proposed methods.