Artificial Intelligence Law Enforcement

Intelligence After Next: Artificial Intelligence Application Approaches for Law Enforcement

By Travis Carlisle , Jeffery Parsons , Eric Bloedorn, Ph.D. , Eric Hughes, Ph.D.

AI has the potential to provide significant benefits in the law enforcement domain, including enhanced analysis and optimization of information, improved efficiency and effectiveness, and increased compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

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Law enforcement (LE) is one of the most challenging environments for the application of artificial intelligence (AI) due to the complexities of laws, policies, and practices that must be complied with, as well as the intense public scrutiny that comes with technological advancements in this field. Nonetheless, AI has the potential to provide significant benefits in the LE domain, including enhanced analysis and optimization of information, improved efficiency and effectiveness, and increased compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Moreover, by partially automating administrative tasks, AI can help reduce the burden of paperwork and allow practitioners to focus on higher-value tasks. The adoption of AI should not aim to replace the human element in policing and investigation; instead, the use of AI should seek to enhance the ability of LE to conduct its mission more efficiently and effectively. Ultimately, the successful integration of AI into law enforcement holds significant promise in enhancing LE’s ability to carry out its mission of protecting the American people.

About Intelligence After Next:

MITRE strives to stimulate thought, dialogue, and action for national security leaders developing the plans, policy, and programs to guide the nation. This series of original papers is focused on the issues, policies, capabilities, and concerns of the Intelligence Community’s workforce as it prepares for the future. Our intent is to share our unique insights and perspectives surrounding a significant national security concern, a persistent or emerging threat, or to detail the integrated solutions and enabling technologies needed to ensure the success of the Intelligence Community.

MITRE has published more than 30 Intelligence After Next papers since 2020. Read them here.