COVID-19 has dramatically affected every state, local and tribal area in the country. While varied in degree, these effects universally entail both human health and financial impacts.
COVID-19 Payment Integrity Challenges and Solutions for State, Local and Tribal Governments
Much of the more than $3 trillion in pandemic relief authorized by the federal government is being administered by state, local, and tribal governments. Payment integrity problems often accompany the flow of money.
While federal agencies ultimately are accountable for the improper payments made under programs that they help fund, states often have a key role in administering and funding programs and, as a result, in helping to ensure payment integrity.
This fact sheet focuses on helping state, local and tribal government officials address their significant payment integrity challenges both with COVID-19 funding and for the long term.
This is the fourth in a series of fact sheets addressing the payment integrity challenges associated with the pandemic response. (See also Five Ways to Fight Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in $3 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Aid; Agile Fusion Cells for Covid-19 Payment Integrity; and Assessing Options for COVID-19 Payment Integrity Analytic Cells).