Analytic cells are a powerful, proven model to promote payment integrity. A structured approach can help a new cell owner assess options and decide which type of analytic cell can best address their payment integrity challenges.

Assessing Options for COVID-19 Payment Integrity Analytic Cells
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As of May 2020, the U.S. Congress and the Trump Administration have authorized more than $3 trillion in new money to counter the human and economic cost of the coronavirus pandemic. The combination of the volume of funding, the wide array of uses, and the varying payment mechanisms present significant payment integrity risks.
Along with the risk of errors in individuals’ applications and agencies’ processing, fraudsters began their activities in the immediate aftermath of the enactment of the four statutes (to date). For example, a major international fraud ring has already been identified attempting to secure fraudulent unemployment insurance payments from multiple states using stolen identities.
This is the third in a series of fact sheets addressing the payment integrity challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic and response (see also Five Ways to Fight Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in $3 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Aid and Agile Fusion Cells for Covid-19 Payment Integrity).