Command and Staff Training and the Practical Use of the HLA

By John Ogren

The Command & General Staff College and TRADOC Analysis Center at Fort Leavenworth as well as the TRADOC Army Experiment/Transformation program office have sponsored training events using advanced simulations.

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Over the past three years, both the Command & General Staff College and TRADOC Analysis Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, along with the TRADOC Army Experiment/Transformation program office have sponsored multiple training events using advanced simulations to drive staff training events. The suite of equipment and software to drive these events is known as the Digital Leaders Reaction Course (DLRC). The primary objective of the DLRC is to train the battle staff to leverage the advances in information warfare to win the next war. It provides an environment for training leaders on how to visualize the battlespace and make tactical decisions in a time constrained, digitized environment. The challenge is to create this environment in the most cost effective means that will drive the Staff Officer's senses such that they feel totally immersed in the on-going battle, making illusion become reality. This paper will describe this environment, focusing on the use of the High Level Architecture and its importance in facilitating the rapid federation of multiple software applications. The context of the paper is the TRADOC Army Transformation initiative being conducted this fiscal year to develop the Interim Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) Senior Leaders Training Course.