Nitin Naik, Ph.D.
Technical Fellow
Nitin Naik is a nationally recognized leader in information technology. He applies his expertise in novel data architectures to enable innovation at scale in a range of key challenge areas. These include climate, artificial intelligence, and the Great Power Competition.
With MITRE since 2019, Naik innovates, operates, and manages IT systems and organizations to address business problems in educational, financial, social science, and research and development enterprises in the public and private sector.
Naik previously served in the federal Senior Executive Service as chief technology officer at NASA and the Census Bureau, and as technical director at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). At the Census Bureau, he managed the division that designed and developed systems for the Decennial, Demographic, and Economic Census and Surveys. He also led the effort to develop new data management, analytics, and dissemination systems for all the critical population and economic data assets.
Prior to the Census Bureau, Naik held several roles at the IRS, including director for strategic planning and technology direction, and served as the chief architect for the Affordable Care Act and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act systems. He also managed the innovation portfolio at the IRS that focused on data, cybersecurity, web, and cloud technologies.
He received the first prestigious Theodore Roosevelt Government Leadership Award as a Pathfinder in 2019 and the FedScoop 50 Federal Leadership Award in 2018. He is also a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Naik holds a Ph.D. in computer science, a master’s in computer science, and a master’s in electrical and computer engineering from Louisiana State University, and a bachelor’s in electrical engineering from University of Mysore, India.