Demonstrate a way for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of Defense (DoD) to accelerate health data interoperability between their departments and with external partners across the full service member and veteran lifetime. It does this by addressing some of the challenges of exchanging continuity of care information in accordance with the HITSP C32 specification. L32 is intended as one consistent, machine-interpretable implementation of the HITSP C32 specification. The HITSP C32 Specification is a standard that addresses how to exchange continuity of care information in XML format. The L32 creates a constrained version C32 in that it greatly reduces the number of options available to someone generating a C32 document and constrains module contents to allow only relevant elements. We call this XML Schema, "L32", for "Lightweight C32 Implementation". L32 includes a W3C XML Schema and two XML stylesheets used to add and remove type declarations that make the XML schema more straightforward and better able to capture the C32 constraints.