Universal 5G Connector: A Solution for Seamless Interoperability over a Converged Network


MITRE’s 5G Connector allows plug-and-play integration of heterogeneous networks into a standard 5G network. This enables resilient communications in mission-critical national security and public safety situations.

This solution uses only 5G standards to augment 5G networks with legacy and future radio technologies to create a multi-access, converged network. Using communications in an emergency response scenario as an example, the responders’ mobile devices and tactical radios can connect securely through a 5G network, leveraging standard quality of transport features, along with the vast backbone of current cellular infrastructure.

Key Benefits

  • Provides a 5G proxy solution to allow specialized communication devices to interoperate through a 5G network
  • Decreases costs by extending the life of legacy equipment
  • Does not require software upgrades or reconfiguration

For more detailed information on MITRE’s Universal 5G Connector, or licensing options, contact the MITRE Technology Transfer Office at techtransfer@mitre.org.