Systems, methods, and computer program products for flight validation (FV) are provided. Embodiments implement the requirements of FAA Notice 8260.67 as they relate to FV. Embodiments enable FV to be performed in its entirety, including flight and/or ground obstacle assessment, and on-course/on-path flight evaluation. Embodiments enable a post-flight validation phase, which provides post flight analysis and archiving capabilities. Using embodiments, a person of minimal skill and training can perform FV as prescribed by FAA requirements. Accordingly, significant costs associated with hiring professional surveyors and air crews to perform obstacle assessment and flight evaluation can be eliminated. Embodiments can be implemented using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and relatively inexpensive hardware, making them suitable for large-scale FV operations. Embodiments may also be integrated with existing instrument flight procedure design tools, including, for example, the TARGETS (Terminal Area Route Generation Evaluation & Traffic Simulation) tool developed by the MITRE Corporation.
Patent Number: 8,483,961
Date Issued: July 09, 2013