Photon is a GPU-accelerated computing digital signal processing (DSP) platform for developing Python, Java, and C/C++ microservices.
Photon offers high-performance shared memory access to realtime RF sample data in cases where RF data processing can be constrained and fragmented by typical CPU limitations and CPU-GPU memory transfer latencies. Where CPU capacity restricts the ability to exploit advanced applications, Photon brings graphics processing units (GPU) technology to the table, leveraging established investments in software defined radios, high performance computing (HPC), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), for rapid development of efficient digital signal processing applications.
• On-demand data access to wideband I/Q samples. High-speed and parallel access enables concurrent DSP applications to process massive volumes (100s to 1000s of MHz) of data without duplication, through a zero-copy, shared-memory data plane.
• Enhanced capabilities through use of GPU technology including wideband channelization and detection, real-time multi-mega point DFT processing, and AI/ML-enabled survey and detection processing.
• Bridge between established and emerging platforms. Photon leverages the powerful performance of both legacy and GPU-based platforms to free up CPU resources for other platform capabilities, and provide integrations with existing CPU-based DSP frameworks (e.g. GNU Radio Photon source and sink blocks, REDHAWK Photon FEI, and other military and intelligence tools.)
• High-performance, parallel ingress to big data. Access multiple segregated services running concurrently on a single common platform with industry-standard containerization techniques, microservice design patterns, Open-API and Google protocol buffer interfaces. Modular integration allows introduction and/ or replacement of DSP component sub-systems for rapid deployment.
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