MITRE’s PFAS Technology works to protect public health and the environment by identifying and assisting in the remediation of PFAS class chemicals.

PFAS Technology
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of synthetic chemicals that have been identified as environmental and health hazards. The danger of PFAS chemicals lies in their potential to accumulate over time, leading to adverse health effects such as hormonal disruption, immune system suppression, developmental issues, and even cancer. Their ability to persist both in the environment and in humans poses a global challenge in detecting these compounds, modeling affected areas, and determining remediation options to filter or destroy them from environmental media.
MITRE developed three technologies to identify and help remediate PFAS-contaminated areas. Remediation of PFAS chemicals is crucial to prevent further exposure and reduce the risk of long-term health consequences.
PFAS Screening Sensor utilizes molecular imprinted polymers with a PFAS template molecule capable of detecting various PFAS species in surface water samples, with the end goal of reducing the cost and time it takes to provide information about the concentration of contaminants in the water.
PFAS Geospatial Platform leverages nationwide PFAS data sources to identify areas of U.S. surface waters that may be vulnerable to PFAS contamination.
PFAS Remediation Explorer enables a user to explore common PFAS filters and destructive technologies. It is a web-based prototype.
Collectively, PFAS Screening Sensor, PFAS Geospatial Platform, and PFAS Remediation Explorer are referred to as MITRE’s “PFAS Technology.”
To learn more about MITRE’s PFAS Technology and for licensing opportunities, email