The Peak Suppression monitor (PSM) is a software-only algorithm that detects GNSS spoofing and jamming before it corrupts the receiver’s PVT solution.
Peak Suppression Monitor (PSM)
The Peak Suppression monitor (PSM) is the first self-contained, chip-level algorithm that detects GNSS spoofing and jamming before it corrupts the receiver’s PVT solution. The PSM technology can detect all known GNSS spoofing and jamming attacks including:
- Asynchronous and synchronous lift-off
- High-powered and matched-powered
- Knock-off jamming
- Carrier-to-noise matching
- Meaconing attacks
PSM is a software solution with low complexity, unlike other anti-spoof solutions, which require access to Inertial Measurement Units or other hardware. PSM’s simplicity also makes it extremely low power and computationally inexpensive. PSM also proactively detects spoofing and jamming before corrupting the receiver’s PVT solution.
The PSM technology has been demonstrated in field and laboratory settings and is available for licensing to qualified companies.
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