Low Cost Surface Awareness


MITRE's Low Cost Surface Awareness system is a low cost capability to provide enhanced situational awareness of airport surface operations. This system provides a cost-efficient, effective, and reliable surface surveillance capability designed for small and mid-sized airports, which may not be able to afford more sophisticated commercial systems.

In addition to supplementing the out-the-window view at towered airports, the block occupancy-based system can be used to enhance operations at non-towered airports by displaying information to the approach controllers.


This system is intended to improve airport capacity and enhance surface operations safety, especially during low visibility operations by increasing situational awareness, decreasing workload, and increasing throughput. The tools and concept have been validated through human-in-the-loop laboratory simulation and testing. This system, when installed, will benefit:

  • The flying public, by improving safety at towered and non-towered airports that presently do not have any surface surveillance.
  • Tower controllers, by providing tools needed to increase situational awareness and maintain safety, even when visibility is compromised.
  • Traffic flow managers, enroute controllers and terminal controllers, by providing surface information at airports where it is not currently available.

To discuss licensing or collaboration activities, please contact us.