Frequency-scaled Ultra-wide Spectrum Element (FUSE)


MITRE’s Frequency-scaled Ultra-wide Spectrum Element (FUSE™) has created a new class of wideband phased array antennas for satellites, ships, and planes.  The new antenna aperture costs less, yet it improves performance over comparable technologies. 

How It Works

FUSE™ utilizes a novel radiating element design and advanced manufacturing technologies. Using all-metal additive manufacturing, MITRE engineers also leveraged a variation of the FUSE technology that improves and accelerates the development of high-performance and multi-function systems. 

Patents and Recognition

With six patents and an R&D 100 Award for design, MITRE’s FUSE antenna design is considered the “gold standard” by multiple Department of Defense agencies. 

For more detailed information on MITRE’s FUSE or licensing options, contact the MITRE Technology Transfer Office at