Flight restriction zone detection and avoidance


A method, system and computer program product to detect and indicating TFR zone violations, potential TFR zone violations or TFR zones in vicinity of an aircraft and indicating measures to avoid or exit a TFR zone are provided. TFR zone information and an aircraft's position information are received. The aircraft's position information is processed to determine the aircraft's current heading. A TFR zone violation is determined based on the aircraft's current position. A potential TFR violation is determined based on whether the aircraft's current heading intersects a TFR zone. The presence of a TFR zone in the vicinity of the aircraft is determined based on the aircraft's current position and heading. Indicators of a TFR violation, potential TFR violation, no TFR violation or TFR zones in the vicinity are provided. If a TFR violation, or possible TFR violation or TFR zone in the vicinity are found, measures are indicated to exit the TFR zone or change the aircraft's current heading to avoid the TFR zone.

Patent Number: 7,957,853

Date Issued: June 07 2011