MITRE: Hiring in Tech and Science to Drive Innovation for the Future
(light music)
Chief Futurist and SVP of MITRE Labs Charles Clancy:
Now is a really exciting time to come to MITRE.
The nation is facing a huge gap in innovation.
We've seen other countries overtake us in certain markets,
and there is a strong interest to figuring out
how we can make large scale bets on key technologies
that will really drive the future of the American economy.
MITRE is working across a whole range
of different critical emerging technologies,
from artificial intelligence,
to biotechnology, to quantum computing.
Each of these are critical areas
for both defense and national security,
but also critical to our broader public sector mission,
and really, the US economy overall.
We're really looking for smart, energetic,
and entrepreneurial technical staff.
A whole range of disciplines from engineering
to hard sciences, life sciences, social sciences.
We need people who are Ph.Ds
who can lead major research programs,
through clinicians
who can help with our healthcare programs.
As a nonprofit research institution,
we have the opportunity
to really do work in the public interest,
separate from a specific profit motive,
and that gives us the opportunity to really be a convener
that can sit between the US federal government
and the broader US industry
to address innovation at the scene
between government and industry.
(light music)