A Video Game-Based Framework for Analyzing Human-Robot Interaction: Characterizing Interface Design in Real-Time Interactive Multimedia Applications

By Justin Richer , Dr. Jill Drury

There is growing interest in mining the world of video games to find inspiration for human-robot interaction (HRI) design.

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There is growing interest in mining the world of video games to find inspiration for human-robot interaction (HRI) design. This paper segments video game interaction into domain-independent components which together form a framework that can be used to characterize real-time interactive multimedia applications in general and HRI in particular. We provide examples of using the components in both the video game and the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) domains (treating UAVs as airborne robots). Beyond characterization, the framework can be used to inspire new HRI designs and compare different designs; we provide an example comparison of two UAV ground station applications.