Trust and trustworthiness of supply chains is an issue confronting communities around the world, including U.S. government agencies and the thousands of commercial enterprises that support them.
Trusting Our Supply Chains: A Comprehensive Data-Driven Approach
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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought supply chain security (SCS) into sharpened focus, and many inadequacies have surfaced regarding timely access to reliable stocks of personal protective equipment, medical devices, and food supplies, to name a few.
MITRE has been engaged for decades in projects specifically focusing on supply chain security for information and communications technology (ICT) systems, including highly sensitive nuclear and intelligence systems, and the “trustworthiness” of vendors and products.
With today’s increased focus on the need for trustworthy supply chains, trustworthy partners, and trusted systems globally, a reliable path to an actionable understanding of the risks that can impact trustworthiness is essential.
As a result, we have developed a Supply Chain Security System of Trust (SoT) Framework. This framework is aimed at defining, aligning, and addressing the specific concerns and risks that stand in the way of organizations’ trusting suppliers, supplies, and service providers.
Learn more about MITRE's Center for Data-Driven Policy.