The Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII™)

By Julie Connolly , Mark Davidson , Matt Richard , Clement Skorupka, Ph.D.

Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII) is a set of technical specifications and supporting documentation for securely exchanging cyber threat information in order to detect, prevent, and mitigate cyber threats in real time.

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Today, an ever-growing number of organizations actively share cyber threat data in order to get a more complete view of adversary activity and help prioritize the organization’s own cyber defenses. Current cyber threat information sharing, however, is either a time-consuming, manual process or a limited-scope automation effort. The Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII) effort aims to enable robust, secure, and high-volume exchanges of significantly more expressive sets of cyber threat information. This paper describes the TAXII effort, the motivation behind TAXII, its goals, components, and development approach.