A Technology Enabled Framework for Dynamic Allocation of the Radio Frequency Spectrum

By Christopher Nissen , G. Butler

This paper outlines a dynamic spectrum allocation framework that will mitigate the shortage of spectrum by enabling more efficient sharing of this critical resource.

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This paper outlines a dynamic spectrum allocation framework that will mitigate the shortage of spectrum by enabling more efficient sharing of this critical resource. This approach involves coordinated activities on three fronts: technology, policy, and strategy. First, the approach capitalizes on emerging radio technologies to increase the utilization of each spectrum allocation. Applicable technologies include per-packet adaptable radios, software-defined radios (SDR), layered radio architectures, and spatial diversity through advanced antennas. Second, spectrum management policy will play an important role in motivating radio developers to create and field the requisite technologies. Such "technology-enabling" policy may significantly differ from the management policies in place today. Third, the authors believe that the long-term solution to the spectrum shortage can only be solved with a well planned, coordinated, strategic vision. Such a vision might best be captured in the form of a National Strategic Spectrum Roadmap. It is the authors' belief that together, technology, policy, and strategy can address the pressing spectrum shortage and "unblock" the spectrum.