A Strawman Concept of Use for Reroute Capabilities in the Traffic Flow Management Infrastructure

By Michael Hermes , Patricia Nussman , Norma Taber

This document is a strawman concept that describes the collaboration necessary to efficiently reroute aircraft. The concept identifies rerouting participants and possible actions to take when rerouting may be needed, as well as the necessary collaboration among them. Some of the actions could be supported by automation capabilities, such as those explored with the Collaborative Routing Coordination Tools (CRCT) Concept Demonstration and Evaluation Platform (CDEP) and being implemented in the Traffic Flow Management Infrastructure (TFM-I), though the concept of use is not limited to those capabilities. It is expected that concepts described in the document will provide a starting point for in-depth discussion among Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) traffic managers and the National Airspace System (NAS) user community, leading to development of a detailed concept of operations and procedures for rerouting.

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