Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Performance Measures Expression in Performance-based Acquisition (PBA) Vehicles

By Diane Hanf , Kevin Buck , Mike Brenner , Prasant Das

This final report summarizes the results of investigations that supported the joint FY 2008 Air Force (AF)/Army MOIE, entitled "Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Performance Measures Expression in Performance-Based Acquisition (PBA) Vehicles".

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This final report summarizes the results of investigations that supported the joint FY 2008 Air Force (AF)/Army MOIE, entitled "Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Performance Measures Expression in Performance-Based Acquisition (PBA) Vehicles". The investigation was conducted by a multi-disciplinary team, consisting of staff with expertise in the areas of economic and decision analysis; portfolio and program management; and enterprise, systems, software and performance engineering.