MITRE's response to a White House Request for Information seeking input on methods to assess whether agency policies and actions equitably serve all eligible individuals and communities, particularly those that are currently and historically underserved.
Response of The MITRE Corporation to the Office of Management and Budget Request for Information Supporting Equity Executive Order Efforts
In the summer of 2020, MITRE created a platform to empower decision makers with actionable resources to create and scale equitable, sustainable solutions that bring positive change for a more just society. Our Social Justice Platform provides a foundation to explore solutions to change the course of disparities due to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, education, or ability. MITRE defines platforms as a set of integrated technologies, domain knowledge, and expertise combined to rapidly build impactful strategies. Platforms provide a means to tap into—and add to—existing knowledge to create reusable solutions for current and future challenges.
Social justice is precisely the type of challenge that requires this unbiased, objective vantage point, deep technical expertise, and systems-of-systems capabilities to address. MITRE’s responses to the questions OMB posed in this RFI are informed by the work of MITRE’s Social Justice Platform team and their research, engagement, and development efforts.