MITRE leveraged its history of supporting federal agencies, and cross-agency teams, understand and overcome workforce issues to provide data-driven input to GSA and OPM.

Response of the MITRE Corporation to GSA’s RFI on the Federal Workforce
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MITRE has a long history of supporting federal agencies, and cross-agency teams, understand and overcome workforce issues through the FFRDCs it operates, independent research, and public-private partnerships. This work has included: analyzing whole-of-government trends and developing recommendations or guidance to enhance the federal workforce and associated activities; supporting both civilian and defense agencies as they implement executive orders, establish new organizations or restructure existing programs; and leveraging insights from state and international workforce activities to both enhance and benchmark federal workforce advancements.
MITRE also previously collaborated with the Office of Management and Budget to host the 2018 Symposium on the Federal Workforce for the 21st Century, which convened more than 150 experts and leaders from across the country for a full-day symposium on strategies for improving the federal workforce in support of the President’s Management Agenda (PMA). We also supported an ACT-IAC effort that identified opportunities to revolutionize the way the government identifies, recruits, and onboards potential employees.
MITRE leveraged these experiences to respond to GSA’s RFI, first by proposing a “north star” vision for the federal workforce and human capital system and then by providing specific responses to the questions posed in the RFI.