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Resilient & Efficient Computing: Positioning Industry and Government for the Future

By Myles Kelly , Izabella Kornak , Conor Lewellyn, Ph.D. , Alex Schlichting, Ph.D. , Tracy DiGioia , Ariel Castillo, Ph.D.

Data centers are expanding to meet increasing demands for technology, healthcare, finance, etc. This growth challenges communities and data centers to balance quality of life with the need for real estate, energy, and resources.

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Data centers are rapidly expanding to meet the nation’s need for everything from streaming content on mobile devices to industry requirements for technology, healthcare, finance, and more. In turn, this growing demand challenges local communities and data centers to find new ways to balance quality of life while meeting the needs for real estate, energy, and other resources.

As the world leader in the data center revolution, Virginia’s Loudoun County represents the perfect use case. In December 2023, MITRE convened a collaborative, constructive discussion of the circumstances faced by Loudoun. Our objective was to encourage stakeholders to identify resilient, efficient, and sustainable opportunities to meet growing computing demand in mutually beneficial ways.