Potential Impact of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Composite on Commercial Heavy Aircraft

By Sarah O’Donnell , David Smith

This study investigates the possible use of carbon nanotubes as a molecular fiber in a composite material and illustrates the potential impact of incorporating carbon nanotube reinforced polymer (CNRP) composites in a current commercial aircraft.

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This study investigates the possible use of carbon nanotubes as a molecular fiber in a composite material and illustrates the potential impact of incorporating carbon nanotube reinforced polymer (CNRP) composites in a current commercial aircraft. The analysis is performed for a Boeing 747-400 airframe. Theoretical mechanical properties of CNRP are found for single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) volume fractions (50, 60, and 70%) in high density polyethylene (HDPE). In this simulation, the volume of airframe structural aluminum is replaced with an equivalent volume of SWNT CNRP with no change to the airframe design. Using simulated CNRP-structured airframe weight estimates, a new spread of aircraft operating empty weights (OEW) for the 747-400 is defined and used to predict max takeoff mass, fuel efficiency, operating envelope and flight performance. The average mass savings of CNRP-structured over aluminum-structured aircraft is 10.07%. The average increase in fuel efficiency from each of the CNRP-structured aircraft categories is 11.2%, with other gains in range, flight duration, increased cruise altitude, and wake mitigation. In general, all notional CNRP 747-400 aircraft analyzed perform approximately equivalent to the lowest mass present day aluminum 747-400.