Portfolio Influences on Air Force Capabilities-Based Assessment and Capabilities-Based Planning Activities

By Cheryl Strube , J.R. Loren

Capability-Based Assessments (CBA) are the starting point in identifying and recommending solutions for gaps and shortfalls in operational military capabilities.

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Capability-Based Assessments (CBA) are the starting point in identifying and recommending solutions for gaps and shortfalls in operational military capabilities. CBAs assess several key areas, and provide actionable decision-quality information to senior leadership. The Air Force (AF) Capabilities-Based Planning (CBP) process is aligned with joint CBA constructs, to better support AF corporate decisions regarding acquisition of warfighting capabilities. Both these rigorous processes require collection and analysis of significant amounts of disparate data. This paper discusses use of portfolios and portfolio frameworks to collect, aggregate, and manage this variety of information in support of investment decisions—acquiring new platforms, systems, and systems of systems (SoS) intended to deliver these future capabilities.