October 2017 Federal Mobile Technology Summit Report

By Collin McRae , Patrick Benito , Christopher Brown , David Keppler , Kevin Boston , CJ Rieser , Justin Brunelle, Ph.D. , Tim Harvey , Tom Suder , Jeff Stein

MITRE and ATARC developed this paper and present actionable recommendations for the government, academia, and industry.

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The Federal Mobile Computing Summit includes a set of MITRE-Advanced Technology Academic Research Center (ATARC) led Collaboration Sessions that afforded industry, government, academic, and Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) representatives an opportunity to collaborate, and discuss prominent challenge areas in mobility. In some cases, potential solutions for key challenge areas were identified by session participants. The discussions were government focused with the objective of refining gaps, and identifying features of potential solutions or frameworks.

Participants representing government, industry, and academia addressed four challenge areas in federal mobile computing:

  1. Mobile Security in the Federal Government,
  2. Network of Things / Internet of Things,
  3. Next GenerationMobile Solutions, and
  4. Tactical and Field Deployments.

This white paper summarizes the discussions in the collaboration sessions. Drawing from these discussions, MITRE and ATARC developed this paper and present actionable recommendations for the government, academia, and industry.