Object-Oriented Analysis of a DII COE Simulation Product Line Architecture

By Francis Carr , Ronald Sprinkle , William Sudnikovich

The Army has articulated a vision in which simulations will support C4ISR systems through the integration of simulation infrastructure into the Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII COE) software architecture.

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The Army has articulated a vision in which simulations will support C4ISR systems through the integration of simulation infrastructure into the Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII COE) software architecture. Identification of a specific simulation infrastructure product set is the key to developing the technical steps required to achieve this vision. Integrating simulation into the DII COE in a systematic fashion requires the following: 1) reuse by the simulation infrastructure of existing DII COE C4ISR software segments 2) identification of new segments required to provide DII COE based simulation capability and 3) identification of new simulation-enhanced C4ISR functionality not available today in either C4ISR or simulation domains through new DII COE segments. As simulation-enhanced C4ISR systems will use intelligent agent software, there are relevant Future Combat Systems (FCS) implications. FCS C2 systems will need to interact with intelligent agent-based robotic forces and will encounter similar challenges identified for future simulation-enhanced C4ISR systems. This paper describes a general Object-Oriented Analysis based approach, which identifies DII COE segments as software products in a Product Line Architecture. This paper concludes with recommendations for use of the DII COE Simulation Product Line Architecture in achieving the Army simulation to C4ISR interoperability vision.