The Intelligence Community must embrace the big data environment as powerful in building the ecosystems necessary for automated concept development, surrendering the initial work of “what is happening” to AI algorithms in the open domain.

Intelligence After Next: The Prevailing Narratives About Open-Source Intelligence Are Misguided
The Intelligence Community (IC) must embrace the big data environment of the open domain as powerful in building the ecosystems necessary for automated concept development. This power is not singularly within the richness of the data environment itself, but in the simultaneous employment of complex algorithmic environments that do the resolutions the moment data are touched within that dynamic environment. The IC can get off the starting blocks in the AI race by rethinking where and how concepts are built—surrendering the initial work in concept development to algorithms in the open-source domain.
This journey would gradually shift the work of the “what is happening” to data science and correspondingly free up analysts’ time to think and write about what these activities mean and what opportunities exist for intervention.