MITRE’s data-driven responses to a White House inquiry requesting input into the development of a national cybyer workforce strategy.

MITRE’s Response to the ONCD RFI on a National Cyber Workforce Strategy
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What’s the issue?
The Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD), in collaboration with other White House partners and interagency representatives, is developing a national strategy to address cyber training and education, digital awareness, and the cyber workforce. “The United States continues to face a significant shortfall in cyber talent, with more than 700,000 open positions in cybersecurity… we must also prepare all users of our digital ecosystem to secure their digital lives while strengthening cybersecurity across the Nation.”
What did we do?
The Center for Data-Driven Policy led a cross-MITRE analysis of ONCD’s posed questions, seeking to uncover data and evidence (from our work in the public interest) that would help the Office develop the strategy so that it will be evidence-based, actionable, and will lead to their desired outcomes.
What did we find?
We first recommended that this national strategy mutually support ongoing cyber workforce initiatives that are focused on the federal government, enabling each to leverage lessons-learned to improve both. We also recommended that the strategy be based on a career growth and development pipeline that recognizes and supports an individual’s career progression, while also enabling individuals to move into and out of the traditional pipeline multiple times throughout their career. Finally, we provided data-driven insights from a variety of related activities and investigations that would be useful in developing this national strategy.