MITRE’s data-driven responses to the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) requesting input in the development of the 2025-2026 implementation plan for the Arctic Research Plan.
MITRE’s Response to the National Science and Technology Council RFI on Arctic R&D
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What’s the issue? The NSTC requested feedback on the Arctic Research and Development (R&D) implementation plan for 2025-26.
What did we do? The Center for Data-Driven Policy led a cross-MITRE analysis of the Arctic Research Plan and its existing implementation plan, and provided data-driven feedback on recommended changes.
What did we find? MITRE provided several recommendations across various priority areas and foundational activities:
- Priority Area 1 (Community Resilience and Health): MITRE suggested enhancing partnerships with local and Indigenous communities and organizations, strengthening international Arctic partnerships, and improving the collection of infectious disease data.
- Priority Area 2 (Arctic Systems Interactions): MITRE recommended the continuation of all three objectives and suggested introducing a deliverable to consolidate existing data silos.
- Priority Area 3 (Sustainable Economies and Livelihoods): MITRE recommended retaining Objective 3.1 but suggested expanding its scope by adding deliverables related to research on threats posed by climate change to Arctic infrastructure and the feasibility of alternative infrastructure.
- Priority Area 4 (Risk Management and Hazard Mitigation): MITRE suggested specific adjustments to enhance coordination and effectiveness of risk management and hazard mitigation efforts.
- Foundational Activity—Data Management: MITRE recommended the continuation of this activity with an emphasis on developing new data architectures.
- Foundational Activity—Monitoring, Observing, Modeling, and Prediction: MITRE recommended the continuation and expansion of this activity, with a greater focus on collecting large data sets and expanding simulation capabilities.