Addressing AFCEA Boston New Horizons 2019, MITRE Vice President of Air Force Portfolios Sarah MacConduibh discusses the MITRE perspective on rapid acquisition and accelerating the delivery of advanced capabilities to the warfighter.
The MITRE Perspective on Rapid Acquisition
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As the 2018 National Defense Strategy makes clear, our competitive military advantage is eroding at a time when the threats we face today are more diverse, less predictable, and available to adversaries with access to a globalized technology base. Around the world, the proliferation of advanced technology is allowing more actors to contest U.S. military power in more threatening ways.
The Pentagon’s response to such rapidly-evolving threats has been the “Third Offset,” a broad effort to maintain America’s comparative military advantage. The Third Offset strategy seeks to arrest the erosion of America’s conventional deterrence through a combination of advanced capabilities, innovative operational concepts, and new organizational constructs to extend U.S. military dominance.