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MITRE’s Response to the OSTP RFI on Spectrum R&D

MITRE’s data-driven responses to an OSTP inquiry requesting input for a National Spectrum R&D Plan.

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What’s the issue? The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, in coordination with the federal agencies, is developing a National Spectrum Research and Development Plan (R&D Plan) as directed by the National Spectrum Strategy of November 2023. The R&D Plan will act as a guiding document for government investments in spectrum-related research and provide valuable insights. It will identify key innovation areas for spectrum research and development and will include a process to refine and enhance these areas on an ongoing basis.

What did we do? The Center for Data-Driven Policy led a cross-MITRE analysis of questions posed in OSTP’s RFI, seeking to uncover data and evidence from our work in the public interest that would help them craft the R&D Plan so that it is evidence-based, actionable, and effective.

What did we find? The R&D Plan should take a strategic approach, supporting the National Spectrum Strategy and ensuring advancement of spectrum capabilities necessary for future national security and economic prosperity. The plan should focus on areas such as spectrum awareness, a comprehensive system-engineered framework for sharing/dynamic spectrum access, improving economic and policy drivers, and implementing technology and an algorithmic framework for overall spectrum sharing. The R&D Plan should also include a process for regular review and update, incorporating stakeholder feedback and new research findings to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.