MITRE Response to the NSTC RFC on In-space Servicing, Assembling, and Manufacturing

In this RFI response, MITRE provides the White House information to assist in the development of an interagency implementation plan on In-space Servicing, Assembling, and Manufacturing (ISAM).

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The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), In-space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing (ISAM) Interagency Working Group (IWG) coordinates science and technology policy, strategy, and federal research and development (R&D) pertaining to ISAM-related capabilities. This coordinated effort aims to ensure that U.S. leadership in ISAM capabilities and their applications are maintained and expanded for future use.

The IWG sought input to help inform their development of a strategic implementation plan.  MITRE’s experiences with ISAM center on space and airspace traffic, debris, worker health, and building consensus for collaborative decision making. We’ve focused on providing insights along these lines within this response.