The Synthetic Training Environment (STE) is the Army’s next generation collective training system. This report describes how the Military Equipment Framework helps STE stakeholders better meet their goals.
Military Equipment Framework
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The Synthetic Training Environment (STE) is the Army’s next generation collective training system. The Military Equipment (ME) Framework defines a lexicon and establishes relationships that will allow STE capability developers, materiel developers and stakeholders to describe, understand, and communicate the STE Vision, concept of operations, capabilities, design, system requirements, and potential technologies that can provide a solution. The framework and lexicon will remove barriers to communication by converging stakeholders on a common viewpoint and eliminating jargon.
The Milgram Virtuality Continuum was adapted for application to the ME Framework. This adaptation replaces the phrase Real Environment with the phrase Live Environment and the phrase Virtual Environment with the phrase Synthetic Environment. The ME Framework includes environment, equipment, and immersion components. The framework extends the discussion to identify potential STE user interfaces for fully immersed, immersed, and semi-immersed experiences.
The report concludes with vignettes that describe a vision for how a Soldier could interact with the STE and describe what the Solider could experience during a collective training event.