This paper addresses how to best gauge the value of a Federal program type, so that the value of their delivery can be assessed and improved.
Methodologies for Performance Measurement by Federal Government Program Type
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This paper addresses how to best gauge the value of a Federal program type, so that the value of their delivery can be assessed and improved. Gauging the value requires understanding the outcome that was expected, and this outcome is shaped, at a minimum, by factors of: program cause, public good delivery type, ownership, and funding source. The US Federal Government has seven types of programs comprising roughly 20% of the US GDP. The program type serves to delineate key features of programs that help parameterize the programs' social costs and expected benefits. Using the 2008 budget as a baseline, supported by trend data from 2006 to 2009 requested (no dollars), this paper examines the $20T+ baseline according to these seven types. It reviews the nature of the factors driving the programs, their current state of performance measurement, the extent to which the model of New Public Management are reflected in their measures (effective decentralization, networked stakeholders in public good delivery, and incorporation of citizen-driven organizations and interests) and gives metric improvement recommendations.