Managing Innovative Ideas for Problems of National Importance

By Michal Cenkl , Marcie Zaharee, Ph.D.

Idea generation and portfolio management are keys to the success of our R&D program, the MITRE Innovation Program. This paper describes the program and gives an example of a new healthcare idea that progressed to a product ready for licensing.

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Organizations use innovation programs to develop new products and services for their customers. MITRE’s customers are government agencies that sponsor the seven federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) that MITRE operates. Our sponsors depend on MITRE to provide innovative solutions to some of our nation’s most critical challenges in defense and intelligence, aviation, system modernization, homeland security, cybersecurity, and healthcare.

We tackle these challenges with the MITRE Innovation Program, which supports researchers from across the MITRE‑operated FFRDCs. Idea generation and portfolio management are keys to the success of our R&D program. The Patient Toolkit, an iPad application, is an example of a new healthcare idea that progressed through the MIP to a licensable product administered by our Technology Transfer Office.