The Intelligence Community currently lacks an integrated approach to develop cross-agency design specifications. A tailorable framework for the collaborative development of enterprise integration design specifications can help ensure interoperability and reduce costs.

Intelligence After Next: Recommendations for Creating Cross-Agency Enterprise Design Specifications
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To achieve mission decision advantage, the Intelligence Community must eliminate structural and cultural barriers to integration. We propose a tailorable framework for the collaborative development of enterprise integration design specifications, ensuring systems and capabilities can seamlessly interoperate across the broader enterprise. In outlining this new approach, we highlight key roles and responsibilities, consider key requirements, and propose a cross-agency governance structure. To develop cross-agency or cross-organization capabilities, we recommend establishing a governance structure that engages senior leadership, leveraging strategic guidance as constraints and generating CONOPs and reference architecture as needed.
About Intelligence After Next:
MITRE strives to stimulate thought, dialogue, and action for national security leaders developing the plans, policy, and programs to guide the nation. This series of original papers is focused on the issues, policies, capabilities, and concerns of the Intelligence Community’s workforce as it prepares for the future. Our intent is to share our unique insights and perspectives surrounding a significant national security concern, a persistent or emerging threat, or to detail the integrated solutions and enabling technologies needed to ensure the success of the Intelligence Community.
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