National security planning that employs criticality promotes the essential information, human factors, organizations, and technology to improve U.S. readiness and minimize intelligence failures, catastrophic losses, and diminished national power.

Intelligence After Next: Preparing for Future Crises—Holistic Criticality Management of National Systems
The national security enterprise faces challenges today and into the future that will require greater sharing, creativity, and innovation. Access to essential information and systems interoperability is critical for organizations to build resilience to a national threat or crisis. Yet, we lack both a centralized process to identify threats that may become a national crisis and a planning manager with the authority to manage the process of optimizing information sharing or information management across systems prior to, during, or after a crisis. This paper identifies a repeatable process for implementing national systems crisis planning that will be essential if we are to move more rapidly, coherently, and strategically than ever before.
About Intelligence After Next:
MITRE strives to stimulate thought, dialogue, and action for national security leaders developing the plans, policy, and programs to guide the nation. This series of original papers is focused on the issues, policies, capabilities, and concerns of the Intelligence Community’s workforce as it prepares for the future. Our intent is to share our unique insights and perspectives surrounding a significant national security concern, a persistent or emerging threat, or to detail the integrated solutions and enabling technologies needed to ensure the success of the Intelligence Community.
MITRE has published more than 30 Intelligence After Next papers since 2020. Read them here.