Now is the time to develop an open source intelligence (OSINT) capability for counterterrorism. The capabilities exist and are being used by our partners (and likely our adversaries), so harnessing the power of open source data and tools is imperative.

Intelligence After Next: Open Source Intelligence for Counterterrorism
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To mitigate resource constraints, develop new insight into foreign terrorist organizations' (FTOs') activity, and more quickly share information and intelligence, the Intelligence Community (IC) should lean in and embrace open source intelligence (OSINT). Non-governmental organizations have established OSINT practices for counterterrorism (CT) and developed data sources and tools to aid analysis. As the counter-terrorist community (and IC writ large) further develop tactics, techniques, and procedures for using OSINT, we can likely use existing practices, data sources, and tools to better use OSINT to develop indications and warning of FTO threats to the U.S. and to U.S. interests. This would add support to an under-resourced, over-the-horizon strategy for mitigating terrorism threats.