Intelligence After Next: Intelligence on the Battlefields of Tomorrow—The Challenge to Remain Relevant
Intelligence production and dissemination constructs, as they exist today, are insufficient to ensure critical and often perishable information can be delivered to battlefield decision makers in time to maintain operational advantage. While the essential requirement for intelligence analysis to be accurate and timely is not new, the speed of warfare continues to accelerate, placing new emphasis on sharing intelligence at the speed of need.
The way information collected by the full array of Intelligence Community (IC) capabilities is ingested by the analytic corps, analyzed, placed in context, and shared for the operational user must evolve, driven by an increasing need for timeliness. Barring this, any human-in-the-loop ability to determine accuracy or place that information in context will fail, as information is delivered too late to impact the decision cycle.
The lessons being learned in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine may shed additional light on the approach and solutions required to meet the challenge of rapid information analysis and intelligence dissemination. While approaches may differ on ways to improve timeliness, there is no doubt that we must hasten the pace of this evolution and be ready to fight at an intensity and speed previously unseen in conventional warfare.
About Intelligence After Next:
MITRE strives to stimulate thought, dialogue, and action for national security leaders developing the plans, policy, and programs to guide the nation. This series of original papers is focused on the issues, policies, capabilities, and concerns of the Intelligence Community’s workforce as it prepares for the future. Our intent is to share our unique insights and perspectives surrounding a significant national security concern, a persistent or emerging threat, or to detail the integrated solutions and enabling technologies needed to ensure the success of the Intelligence Community.
MITRE has published more than 30 Intelligence After Next papers since 2020. Read them here.
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