Integrating the Target Workflow System (TWS) with the Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC) System: Proof of Concept

By Edward Parks

Joint Time Sensitive Target (TST) Simulation Experiments (SIMEXs) have provided insight into how various systems and applications contribute to the TST development process.

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Under the sponsorship of OUSD AT&L and various Service program managers, Joint Time Sensitive Target (TST) Simulation Experiments (SIMEXs) over the last two years have provided insight into how various systems and applications contribute to the TST development process. A fundamental problem with the targeting process is the manual entry of targeting information as the data is passed between systems used to prosecute TSTs. In many cases, the target identification/numbering formats are inconsistent. Developing multiple independent targets with a variety of sensors can exceed Command and Control (C2) user's capabilities. The Targeting Workflow System (TWS) architecture was developed to provide a framework for various targeting systems to create, update, and share target data with one another without human data entry and with a common numbering scheme.

As part of the Family of Interoperable Operational Pictures (FIOP) Management Plan, the FY02—FY03 priorities included the development of a tactical Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII COE) workstation. The FIOP System Engineering Working Group (SEWG) identified one of its initial objectives of creating a tactical workstation software baseline from the COE Common Operational Picture (COP). However, the software was shown to be unworkable for use in a wide area network environment. An alternate approach was to make the Marines' C2 Personal Computer (C2PC) software a COE mission application, establish a Joint Configuration Control Board for the software, and assign the Marines as Executive Agent over the software baseline and assign DISA responsibility for distributing the software to the Joint community.

The goal of this "Proof of Concept" is to integrate TWS functionality with C2PC to provide a more robust methodology for developing, monitoring, and executing TSTs under a single C2 application leveraging the messaging and map capabilities.