MITRE responds to Requests for Information during the development of the Federal Data Strategy.

Insights to Guide Federal Data Strategy
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- Response of The MITRE Corporation to the Commerce RFI regarding Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset (CAP Goal #2)
- Response of The MITRE Corporation to the Request for Comments on the Cross-Agency Priority Goal: Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset: Phase 2
- Response of The MITRE Corporation to the Request for Comments on the Cross-Agency Priority Goal: Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset: Phase 3
The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) lays out a long-term vision for modernizing the federal government, and one of its three “key drivers of transformation” is creating a Federal Data Strategy and infrastructure for the future. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has issued two requests for public input into developing this strategy, and the MITRE Corporation has provided input into each.
MITRE is uniquely positioned to respond to these requests because of our vantage point as the operator of multiple federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs). Per the Federal Acquisition Regulation, FFRDCs can have unique access to both sensitive government data and proprietary private sector data—and both the government and the public sector have regularly trusted MITRE to access and leverage their data. MITRE’s access to and use of disparate data sources has given us insight into data’s untapped potential, as well as the challenges associated with greater use of government data (alone and in combination with private-sector data). Our experiences show that high-quality data combined with best practices will increase the effectiveness of the federal government, enhance accountability, and promote transparency.
The first request sought input into potential “Best Practices Related to the Four Pillars of the Federal Data Strategy.” Within our response, MITRE focused on providing concepts and practices that are more unique to the federal domain: (1) Target data governance as a governmentwide issue, (2) Develop a capability to assess the strategic value of federal data, and (3) Leverage public-private partnerships. MITRE also provided several best practices and principles that should be included within the Federal Data Strategy.
The second request sought feedback on a draft data framework that consisted of 47 data practices, specifically asking for better framework ideas as well as suggestions to add, delete and/or modify the individual data practices so that the Federal Data Strategy could enhance its chances of meeting the goals prescribed in the PMA. MITRE felt that the final practices will have the greatest impact when they are easily understood and it is readily apparent which apply to each impacted actor within the federal data ecosystem. We crafted a simplified framework for OMB’s consideration that fit on a single page, thus allowing federal agencies to orient around a set of easy-to-reference data strategy practices.
The third request sought feedback on a draft action plan for federal agencies to adopt in order to achieve the objectives of the Federal Data Strategy. MITRE generally felt that the draft actions are proper, though some required fine-tuning. We also felt that the measurements needed to be enhanced so that they better support their goals and the dependencies across the actions need to be better understood and properly staged. Our Phase 3 response provided discussion and material to support these recommendations.
MITRE Response Details
Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset
In March 2018, the Trump Administration launched the President's Management Agenda (PMA). It lays out a long-term vision for modernizing the Federal Government in key areas that will improve the ability of agencies to deliver mission outcomes, provide excellent service, and effectively steward taxpayer dollars on behalf of the American people. The PMA established a Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) goal of Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset with an intended purpose of guiding development of a comprehensive long-term Federal Data Strategy to grow the economy, increase the effectiveness of the Federal Government, facilitate oversight, and promote transparency
The government issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking input on four data strategy elements:
- Enterprise Data Governance. What data governance and stewardship practices should the Federal Government be employing and why?
- Use, Access, and Augmentation. What data interoperability techniques or coordination tactics would better serve agency missions and the public?
- Decision-making and Accountability. How can the Federal Government better assist policy-makers with data?
- Commercialization, Innovation, and Public Use. What data solutions could address a pervasive problem in government service delivery or the public sphere?
The MITRE Corporation is uniquely positioned to respond to the RFI and assist with the Federal Data Strategy because of our unique vantage point as the operator of multiple federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs). Per the Federal Acquisition Regulation, FFRDCs can have unique access to both sensitive government data and proprietary private sector data—and both the government and the public sector have regularly trusted MITRE to access and leverage their data.
MITRE’s access to and use of disparate data sources has given us insight into data’s untapped potential, as well as the challenges associated with greater use of government data (alone and in combination with private-sector data). We leveraged our insights and experiences through these activities while considering the RFI’s questions, and crafted recommendations on each for the government’s consideration. MITRE also provided several best practices and principles that should be included within the Federal Data Strategy.
Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset: Phase 2
In March 2018, the Trump Administration launched the President's Management Agenda (PMA). It lays out a long-term vision for modernizing the Federal Government in key areas that will improve the ability of agencies to deliver mission outcomes, provide excellent service, and effectively steward taxpayer dollars on behalf of the American people. The PMA established a Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) goal of Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset with an intended purpose of guiding development of a comprehensive long-term Federal Data Strategy to grow the economy, increase the effectiveness of the Federal Government, facilitate oversight, and promote transparency
During development of the Federal Data Strategy, an interagency team published a draft data framework that consisted of 47 data practices. This team then requested feedback on the framework and data practices, specifically asking for better framework ideas, as well as suggestions to add, delete and/or modify the individual data practices so that the Federal Data Strategy could enhance its chances of meeting the goals prescribed in the President’s Management Agenda.
MITRE has direct experience assisting federal agencies leverage government and private-sector data to meet critical mission needs. Per the Federal Acquisition Regulation, FFRDCs can have unique access to both sensitive government data and proprietary private sector data–and both the government and the public sector have regularly trusted MITRE to access and leverage their data. Thus, we have combined and leveraged a variety of data sources in support of research, analysis, and the development of new operational capabilities on important national issues.
MITRE agreed with the concept of basing the Federal Data Strategy on a collection of practices and action steps, but felt that the draft framework needed to be simplified. The final practices will have the greatest impact when they are easily understood and it is readily apparent which apply to each impacted actor within the federal data ecosystem. The originally drafted framework, however, attempted to organize forty-seven practices around (a) five objectives, (b) ten principles, and (c) six lifecycle steps. The result was a three-dimensional matrix that requires an excessive amount of effort to fully comprehend.
As requested, MITRE reviewed the current framework and considered how to restate and organize the practices so that they would have the greatest impact. In so doing, we strove to reach a final product that fit on a single page, thus allowing federal agencies to orient around a set of easy-to-reference data strategy practices.
Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset: Phase 3
In March 2018, the Trump Administration launched the President's Management Agenda (PMA). It lays out a long-term vision for modernizing the Federal Government in key areas that will improve the ability of agencies to deliver mission outcomes, provide excellent service, and effectively steward taxpayer dollars on behalf of the American people. The PMA established a Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) goal of Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset with an intended purpose of guiding development of a comprehensive long-term Federal Data Strategy to grow the economy, increase the effectiveness of the Federal Government, facilitate oversight, and promote transparency.
The Federal Data Strategy establishes a balanced and holistic approach to leveraging data as a strategic asset. The strategy articulates a vision for the Federal Government to accelerate the use of data to support the foundations of democracy, deliver on mission, serve customers, and steward resources while protecting security, privacy, and confidentiality. Consistent with this vision, Executive Branch agencies will routinely leverage data in support of Federal Government mission priorities to better inform decision-making and improve accountability and will securely share and provide access to data for commercialization, innovation, and public use. The CAP Goal team then drafted an Action Plan to guide agencies as they implement the Federal Data Strategy, and requested feedback on the draft.
MITRE has direct experience assisting federal agencies leverage government and private-sector data to meet critical mission needs. Per the Federal Acquisition Regulation, FFRDCs can have unique access to both sensitive government data and proprietary private sector data – and both the government and the public sector have regularly trusted MITRE to access and leverage their data. Thus, we have combined and leveraged a variety of data sources in support of research, analysis, and the development of new operational capabilities on important national issues. MITRE’s access to, and use of, disparate data sources has given us insight into data’s untapped potential, as well as the challenges associated with greater use of government data (alone and in combination with private-sector data). Our experiences show that high-quality data combined with best practices will increase the effectiveness of the Federal Government, enhance accountability, and promote transparency. As requested in the Request for Comments (RFC), MITRE has reviewed the draft Action Plan and the questions specifically posed in the RFC. MITRE generally felt that the draft actions are proper, though some required fine-tuning. We also felt that the measurements needed to be enhanced so that they better support their goals and the dependencies across the actions need to be better understood and properly staged. Our response provided discussion and material to support these recommendations.