ICArUS: Phase 2 Test and Evaluation Development Guide specifies the format of the ICArUS Phase 2 Challenge Problem
ICArUS: Phase 2 Test and Evaluation Development Guide
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The Integrated Cognitive-neuroscience Architectures for Understanding Sensemaking (ICArUS) Program aimed to build computational cognitive-neuroscience models to explain, predict, and emulate the process of human sensemaking – the process of generating hypotheses to explain data that is sparse noisy, and uncertain. Phase 2 lasted from January, 2013 to June, 2014. In Phase 2, the program employed a challenge problem, based on geospatial data, to compare the models’ performance to human performance. Here, the term geospatial data includes multiple types of intelligence data, any of which may be represented in a georeferenced framework – for instance, a layer within a GIS-likedisplay. The challenge problem required that participants and models make sense of temporal patterns in geospatial data.