Fingerprint Recompression After Segmentation

By Margaret Lepley

With flat multi-finger collection systems, fingerprint identification is increasingly being performed from segmented data that generate a 10-print file with separate records for each finger.

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With the increasing availability and usage of flat multi-finger collection systems, fingerprint identification is increasingly being performed from segmented data and frequently these segmented areas are recompressed to generate a 10-print file with separate records for each finger. Since recompression often incurs further loss, the amount and type of recompression can impact the extracted features and match scores. In this study several different WSQ-based cropping recompression alternatives are compared to each other by match score impact, crop and recompression speed, and output file size. Two new WSQ recompression methods one aimed at high quality and one at very high speed are briefly described and compared with more typical WSQ 15:1 recompression. The study indicates that both of the new methods maintain better match quality than WSQ 15:1.