February 2017 ATARC Federal Cloud & Data Center Summit Report

By Sunny Anand , Rick Cagle , Christine Kim , Michael Kristan , Dr. Mari Spina , Katy Warren , Tim Harvey , Tom Suder

The most recent ATARC Federal Cloud & Data Center Summit included five MITRE-ATARC Collaboration Sessions, which allowed industry, academic, government, and MITRE representatives to discuss challenges the government faces in cloud computing.

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The most recent installment of the ATARC Federal Cloud & Data Center Summit, held on February 16, 2017, included five MITRE-ATARC (Advanced Technology Academic Research Center) Collaboration Sessions. These collaboration sessions allowed industry, academic, government, and MITRE representatives the opportunity to collaborate and discuss challenges the government faces in cloud computing. The goal of these sessions is to create a forum to exchange ideas and develop recommendations to further the adoption and advancement of cloud computing techniques and best practices within the government. 

Participants representing government, industry, and academia addressed five challenge areas in federal cloud computing: Developing a roadmap for migrating federal services to the cloud; Securing data in the cloud – Identifying Best Practices and desired outcomes; Cloud services in disconnected and tactical environments; Beyond the Service Level Agreement (SLA): Relationships with Cloud Service Providers (CSPs); and HealthTrac Sponsored Session: Using Cloud in Healthcare.

This white paper summarizes the discussions in the collaboration sessions and presents recommendations for government, academia, and industry while identifying intersecting points among challenge areas. The sessions identified actionable recommendations for the government, academia, and industry which are summarized below:

  • As best practices and success stories emerge, government cloud adopters should leverage existing work where appropriate, but maintain agility to refine and customize approaches for their individual needs (e.g., adjusting a cloud migration roadmap).
  • Industry and government partnerships are beginning to emerge, and government adopters should work with industry when designing and acquiring cloud solutions (e.g., security requirements versus SLAs).
  • Communication, education, and common terminology is paramount in government cloud computing, and government cloud adopters should increase investments in these three areas.