How confident are you that your Safety Management System is protecting your organization from unacceptable risk? MITRE has developed an evaluation tool with multiple best practices to help you gain the confidence you need.
Evaluating Safety Management Effectiveness
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A robust safety management program allows an organization to formally manage risk through systematic processes. But it is not enough to simply have a formal program; the health of the safety management program and its foundational safety culture must be continually evaluated to ensure that processes and programs are not just in place but are working effectively.
Evaluation tools should be utilized across the entire organization and can be performed on individual areas of the organization or specific processes and systems. Evaluations can identify areas for organizational improvement, including sharing industry best practices, program/ policy changes, enhancements to training, manual revisions, procedural changes, personnel reorganization, etc.
MITRE’s evaluation tools incorporate best practices developed over several years’ worth of safety management experience working with multiple industry and government entities. MITRE’s experts work jointly with an organization’s evaluators, provide instruction on the use of the evaluation tool, and tech-transfer the tool for future, continual use within the organization.