Evaluating Multi-party Multi-modal Systems

By Laurie Damianos , Dr. Jill Drury , Jeff Kurtz , Beatrice Oshika

The MITRE Corporation's Evaluation Working Group has developed a methodology for evaluating multi-modal groupware systems and capturing data on human-human interactions.

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The MITRE Corporation's Evaluation Working Group has developed a methodology for evaluating multi-modal groupware systems and capturing data on human-human interactions. The methodology consists of a framework for describing collaborative systems, a scenario-based evaluation approach, and evaluation metrics for the various components of collaborative systems. We designed and ran two sets of experiments to validate the methodology by evaluating collaborative systems. In one experiment, we compared two configurations of a multi-modal collaborative application using a map navigation scenario requiring information sharing and decision making. In the second experiment, we applied the evaluation methodology to a loosely integrated set of collaborative tools, again using a scenario-based approach. In both experiments, multi-modal, multi-user data were collected, visualized, annotated, and analyzed.