An End-to-End Modeling and Simulation Testbed (EMAST) to Support Detailed Quantitative Evaluations of GIG Transport Services

By Gary Comparetto , Dr. Nancy Schult , Dr. Mohammad Mirhakkak , Li Chen , Robyn Wade , Shaw Duffalo

The future DoD transport vision is for the Global Information Grid (GIG) to provide an internet-like capability that meets the mobility, security, and reliability needs of a wide spectrum of DoD users.

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The future DoD transport vision is for the Global Information Grid (GIG) to provide an internet-like capability that meets the mobility, security, and reliability needs of a wide spectrum of DoD users. A variety of services must be provided to the users including management of resources to support QoS, a transition path from IPv4 to IPv6, and efficient networking across heterogeneous networks (i.e., wired/wireless, fixed/mobile, GND/Air/Space, etc.). Due to the complexity of the issues involved with the integrated GIG, it is only possible to quantify end-to-end GIG performance via modeling and simulation (M&S) techniques using component models having adequate fidelity. The purpose of this paper is to describe the End-to-End M&S Testbed (EMAST) that has been developed to address these issues.